1.15 Highscores
Below are listed all of the Kings and Queens on the Epixx.org server
between the 1.0 beta and 2.0 beta. If you go all the way to the bottom
you will see some familiar names in the game.
June 2019
May 2019
[K] Koursk
[Q] Myughost
[K] Rhaegar
[K] Cajado
[Q] Indivis
[K] Koursk
April 2019
March 2019
[K] Koursk
[K] Koursk
[K] Koursk
[K] Koursk
[K] Koursk
[K] Koursk
[K] Koursk
[K] Koursk
February 2019
[K] Indivis
[K] Banana
[Q] Oo
[Q] Oo
[Q] Nyalfy
January 2019
[K] Zen-Shen
[K] Eugenius
[K] Not-King
[K] Zen-Shen
[K] Kong
December 2018
November 2018
[K] Belterius
[K] Brainsoup
October 2018
[K] Wiiii
[K] Hookler
[K] Belterius
[K] Sardox
September 2018
[K] Indivis
[K] Indivis
[K] Indivis
August 2018
July 2018
[K] Belterius
[K] Indivis
June 2018
[K] Kama-Pulya
[K] Indivis
[K] Kama-Pulya
[K] Stevezor
[K] Kama-Pulya
[K] Stevezor
[K] Wiiii
May 2018
[K] Zen-Shen
[K] Wiiii
[K] Stevezor
[K] Wiiii
[K] Indivis
[K] Zenshen
[K] Aonde
[K] Indivis
[K] Indivis
[K] Lasersayspew
[K] Wiiii
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
[K] Indivis
[K] Wiiii
[K] Indivis
[K] Indivis
[K] Brainsoup
January 2018
[K] Kama-Pulya
[K] Kama-Pulya
[K] Tuflaguers
[K] Checknow-Yo
[Q] Tscho
[K] Brainsoup
December 2017
[Q] Skypix
[K] Belterius
[Q] Pirotessa
November 2017
[Q] Lyanna
[K] Pear-Rushpractice
October 2017
September 2017
[K] Panther
[K] Seanie-Two
[K] Ykb
[K] Shaggy
August 2017
July 2017
[K] Pear
[K] Lasersayspew
[K] Pear
[Q] Roman
[K] Windsoul
[K] Pear
[Q] Feybish
[K] Kama-Pulya
[K] Kama-Pulya
June 2017
[K] Rhaegar
[K] Locke
[K] Locke
[K] Rhaegar
[K] Sir-Facedebatte
[Q] Queen
May 2017
March 2017
[K] Brainsoup
[K] Stevezor
February 2017
December 2016
[K] Stalker
[K] Stevezor
[K] Solid
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
November 2016
[K] Panther
[K] Kama-Pulya
[Q] Divide
October 2016
[K] Kama-Pulya
[K] Krosis
[Q] Airy
September 2016
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
[K] Kama-Pulya
[K] Pear
August 2016
[K] Pear
[Q] Skypix
[K] Stevezor
[K] Pear
[K] Locke
[K] Stevezor
July 2016
[K] Giant-Dad
[K] Kama
[K] Brainsoup
[K] Rhaegar
June 2016
[K] Stevezor
[Q] Shishine
[K] Stevezor
May 2016
April 2016
[K] Stevezor
[Q] Roman
[K] Pear
March 2016
[K] Rhaegar
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
February 2016
[K] Epixie
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
January 2016
December 2016
Gurmur saves the day, or month to be exact, and there's no need to
type in new kings!
November 2015
[K] Nabon
[K] Stevezor
[K] Kong
[K] Boober
October 2015
[K] Shast
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
[K] Lasersayspew
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
September 2015
[K] Stevezor
[K] Thrill-Cube
[K] O'Neal
[K] Indivis
[K] Epix
[K] Indivis
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
[K] Raamm
[K] Stevezor
[K] Rhaegar
[K] Facegen
[K] Stevezor
[K] Rirmaster-Legacy
[K] Indivis
[K] Stevezor
[K] Stevezor
[K] Nightash
August 2015
[K] Zant
[K] Zoor-
[K] Zant
[Q] Ash
[K] Kamik
[K] Nightash
[K] Nightash
[K] Zant
[K] Clavius-Anthony
July 2015
[K] Zant
[K] Clavius-Anthony
[K] Divide
[Q] Vivien
June 2015
[K] Chickens
[K] Chickens
[K] Rhaegar
[Q] Fifa
[K] Clavius-Anthony
May 2015
[K] Twitch-Rikkastar
[K] Honken
[K] Twitch-Rikkastar
[K] Dyehardzz
[K] Littlebird
April 2015
[K] Dyehardz
[K] Zvepbko
[K] Alibaba
[Q] Pirotessa
[K] Phill
[K] Byuunion
[K] Filthy'Peasant
[K] Darksephiroth
March 2015
[K] Rhaegar
[K] Lasersayspew
[K] Mereano
[K] Byuunion
[K] Koijari
[K] Byuunion
February 2015
[K] Kachoo
[K] Clavius-Anthony
[K] Ruscanine
[K] Twitch-Rikkastar
[K] Indivis
January 2015
[K] Twitch-Rikkastar
[K] Kno
[K] Hookler
[K] Storm
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
[K] Gadskii
[Q] Pirotessa
[K] Rance
[Q] Grrr
[Q] Grrr
September 2014
August 2014
[K] Brandy
[K] Rhaegar
[K] Xelo
[K] Tuflaguers
July 2014
[K] Tuflaguers
[K] Dave
[K] Rhaegar
June 2014
[K] Awesome-O
[K] Awesome-O
May 2014
[Q] Nightingale
[K] Rhaegar
[K] Awesome-O
[K] Olweg
[K] Keigan
April 2014
[K] Rance
[K] Gunni
[K] Indivis
[K] Amadeus
[K] Rance
[K] Indivis
[K] Slowpoke
Before April 2014
[Q] Indivis
[K] Gunni
[K] Gunni
[K] Indivis
[K] Amadeus
[K] Riogo
[K] Altren
[K] Altren-Barehand
[K] Altren
[Q] Altren
[K] Orkzzzmasta
[K] Syman
[K] Orkzzzmasta
[K] Zeddicus
[K] Nole
[K] Zandame
[K] Dima
[Q] Penzen
[K] Malior
[K] Gunni
[K] Unknown
[K] Wawka
[Q] Altren
[K] Teon
[K] Nemesis
[K] Assfol
[K] Lasersayspew
[K] Altren
[K] Dave
[K] Daemonas
[K] Gunni
[K] Dot
[K] Dave
[K] Rirmaster
[K] Altren
[K] Mikloy
[K] Demon
[K] Dave
[K] Amadeus
[K] Altren
[Q] Altren-D
[Q] Altren-W
[K] Azat
[K] King-Saturday
[K] Gifine
[K] Art-Crow
[Q] Altren-W
[K] Invisible creature (Altren)
[K] Saturday
[K] Altren-Barehand
[K] Rian
[K] Gifin-Junior
[K] Invisible creature (Gifin-Junior)
[K] Altren-Barehand
[Q] Altren-W
[Q] Altren-A
[K] Gary
[K] Sky-Violetshadow
[Q] Altren-W
[Q] Gifin-Gifcoma
[Q] Altren-W
[K] Gifin-Gifcom
[K] Altren-A
[K] Mercen