Diseases with a chance component have a 1/36 base chance (2D6 roll of 2) of the effect taking place each turn. If a disease comes from a spell, the chance is increased by the caster's stamina bonus modifier. If the disease comes from some other source, the chance is increased by the power level of the source.
The effects can be resolved by adding 2 to the modifier or potency and comparing the roll against that number. If the roll is equal to or less than the combined number, the effect takes place.
Example: if a creature is afflicted by a disease with a power level of 2, it would then suffer the effects on a 2D6 roll of 2, 3, or 4, at the end of the turn when the lingering effects are resolved.
Aching Muscle
- Lingering effect that has a chance of causing one point of strength
damage and a chance to place a slow effect on the creature for D6
Bloody Flux
- Lingering effect that has a chance of causing one point of stamina
damage and a chance to cause D3 + X points of health damage.
Bone Plague
- Lingering effect that has a chance of causing one point of strength
damage and a chance to place a paralysis effect on the creature for D6
Burning Lung
- Lingering effect that has a chance of causing one point of stamina
damage and a chance to cause D3 points of energy damage.
Dungeon Fever
- Lingering effect that has a chance of triggering the effects of any
other disease.
Itching Groin
- Lingering effect that has a chance of causing one point of agility
damage and a chance to place a blind effect on the creature for D6
Putrid Breath
- Lingering effect that has a chance of causing one point of charisma
damage and a chance to place a silence effect on the creature for D6
Swollen Joint
- Lingering effect that has a chance of causing one point of agility
damage and a chance to place a confusion effect on the creature for D6
Rotting Flesh
- Lingering effect that has a chance of causing one point of charisma
damage and a chance to place a sleep effect on the creature for D6