To-Hit Check
- Whenever a creature attempts to hit another creature with a melee
weapon, ranged weapon, or a spell, a successful to-hit check is required.
To-hit check uses the following formulas to determine success:
Melee to-hit check: 2D6 + Offensive Modifiers >= 7 + Defensive Modifiers
Ranged to-hit check: 2D6 + Offensive Modifiers >= 7 + Range Modifier
Spell to-hit check: 2D6 + Offensive Modifiers >= 7 + Range Modifier
Melee attacks made against incapacitated creatures hit automatically and have increased critical hit chance (D6 + Critical Hit Modifier >= 6). A creature is incapacitated if it is asleep, paralysed, shocked or stunned.
Melee attacks made against invisible creatures use 12 as the base difficulty instead of 7. Melee attacks made by invisible creatures cannot be blocked, dodged or parried.
To-Hit Modifiers
- Offensive modifiers usually equals to the attacker's ability
modifier that matches the weapon used. The modifier can be any of
the ability modifiers, but usually melee weapons use strength
modifier, ranged weapons use agility modifier, and spells use
either stamina or charisma modifier.
Defensive modifiers usually include dodge modifier and depending on the equipped weapons, may also include either block or parry modifier.
Untalented attacks with off-hand melee weapons receive a -2 to-hit modifier (see Dual Wield).
Dodge Modifier
- Any creature that is in total control of his or her own
actions can dodge an attack once per turn. Dodge modifier equals
to the creature's agility bonus modifier, or zero, but it may be
capped to the Max Dodge Modifier as listed on helmets and armour.
Block Modifier
- Any creature that is in total control of his or her own actions
can block an attack using a shield once per turn. Block modifier
equals to the creature's strength bonus modifier, or zero, but it
may be capped to the Max Block Modifier as listed on shields.
Parry Modifier
- Any creature that is in total control of his or her own actions
can parry an attack once per turn while using a small off-hand
weapon or a medium weapon two-handedly. Parry modifier equals to
one half of the the creature's agility bonus modifier rounded up,
but it may be capped to the Max Parry Modifier as listed on weapons.
Range Modifier
- Range modifier equals to the number resulting from dividing
the range by two and rounding down. For example, if the target
is three squares to the right and four squares up, the range
before the division is sqrt(3^2 + 4^2), or 5, and the resulting
modifier is 2.
Deflect Modifier
- Deflect modifier equals to the minimum block modifier of the
shield worn by the target creature. This modifier is added to
the range modifier before applying the effects of the
attacker's talents and equipment.
Successful dodges, blocks and parries, are determined from the to-hit dice roll and as long as the roll does not match with the exact numbers the defensive modifiers are indexed to, the defensive modifiers apply to any subsequent rolls to hit.
For example, a creature with no bonus modifiers attempts to hit another creature that has a +1 agility and +1 strength modifier and carries a shield. The attacking creature needs to roll 9 in order to hit because the defending creature has not dodged or blocked this turn. If the attacking creature rolls 8 or 7, the defending creature blocks or dodges, and the defending creature loses that defense for the remainder of the turn. Let's assume the attacker rolled 8 and the defender loses the block bonus, the next attacker (with no bonus modifiers) would require 8 to hit because the defender can only dodge.
The defensive modifier indexes move up and down the roll depending on the attacker's bonus modifier, lowering the chance that dodge, parry or block occurs.
For example, a creature with +4 bonus modifier attempts to hit the creature above requiring a roll of 5 or more in order to hit. In this case the block occurs on a roll of 4 and dodge occurs on a roll of 3. Block chance has dropped from 5/36 to 3/36 and dodge chance has dropped from 6/36 to 2/36.
Hit Locations
- Every creature has two hit locations that an attack can hit, the body
and the head. Regular hits always hit the body and critical hits always
hit the head. A critical hit takes place when the result of the hit dice
is equal to or higher than the critical hit threshold, or the dice turn
up as two sixes.
Critical hit threshold is 12 by default but it can be affected by level difference, size difference, and magical effects. For example, an ogre that is one size unit larger than a human, and in this example, one experience level higher as well, would require a roll of 10, 11, or 12, to critically hit.
Whenever a creature is critically hit, there is a chance that the creature is confused. The following formula is used to determine the effects of a critical hit:
Critical effect check: 2D6 + Stamina Modifier >= 7 + Unresisted Damage
If the check is failed, the creature is confused for as many turns as the check failed with. Note that the check is taken even if all damage is resisted.
- When an attack succesfully hits a target, it causes damage. The
amount of damage depends on the weapon, or spell, and the relevant
damage modifiers.
Damage modifiers usually equal to the attacker's ability modifier that matches the weapon used. The modifier can be any of the ability modifiers, but usually melee and thrown weapons use strength modifier, ranged weapons use agility bonus modifier, and offensive spells use either stamina or charisma bonus modifier.
Off-hand melee weapon damage modifier equals to two times the relevant ability penalty modifier, or -1, whichever is lower.
Two-handed melee weapon damage modifier, and damage modifier of a one-handed melee weapon that is used two-handedly, equals to one and a half times the relevant ability modifier rounded up, or zero, whichever is higher.
Damage modifiers can also include one or more magical damage modifiers. Magical damage modifiers are not affected by handedness or the way a creature wields the weapon.